At 4 Site Design Ltd, we believe that every home can and should be infused with architectural value through the use of ancient principles of proportionality which date back thousands of years, and actually underlie the whole of creation.
By applying these age-old principles to the spaces, we create, we believe they provide for the subconscious as well as conscious wellbeing of the people living in those spaces.
A building may provide all the basic needs of shelter, but a work of architecture allows for the nobler potential in mankind to flourish. And this is something that can and should apply to every living space -no matter how large or small.
So is “Architecture” a luxury we indulge in only after we have taken care of our most basic needs for food shelter and security ? Is it therefore, accessible only for the privileged elite of this world? Or, is our desire to express our innermost essence, so fundamentally necessary, that we cannot help but infuse even our most basic implements with beauty, therefore, art?
At its roots, architecture exists to create the physical environment in which people live, but it represents much more than just the built environment, it's also reflects our culture. It stands as a representation of how we see ourselves, it’s the backdrop to how we live our lives, how we perceive the world and also, what legacy we leave behind us.
In other words, Architecture is an art form that, by definition must perform a very specific and well defined purpose.
Below is an example of a 20 square meter space that was transformed into a 35m sq multi-functional dwelling space on split levels utilising the roof space to transform it’s proportions.

Kitchen and living space

Living space


Looking down

Sleeping platform